Superbugs Unplugged
A joint project of Antibiotic Resistance Action Center, Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University and the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, this monthly podcast will delve into the critical health threat of antibiotic resistance and what drives it, including antibiotic use in agriculture and human health care, challenges and opportunities in R&D, and more. Co-hosts Dr. Lance Price and Dr. Jau Graham will cover a new topic and feature an expert guest every month. Have questions or want to make suggestions? Write to us at SuperBugsUnplugged@gmail.com. Follow us on social media: @battlesuperbugs @UCBerkeleySPH.
Podcasting since 2019 • 44 episodes
Superbugs Unplugged
Latest Episodes
Vaccination: If You Don't Get it, You Really Should Get It!
In this episode, co-hosts Lance Price and Jay Graham interview Erta Kalanxhi of the One Health Trust to discuss her new paper,
Season 3
Episode 12
We Talk A Lot About Poop
In this episode, we introduce our new co-host Dr. Jay Graham, Associate Professor in Residence of Environmental Health Sciences, at the University of California, Berkley School of Public Health. Together, with Dr. Lance Price, they discus...
Season 3
Episode 11
REPLAY - CDC on the Fungal Kingdom: Full of Friends and Enemies
We'll see you next month with a brand new episode and co-host. Enjoy listening to this episode from 2021 on the fascinating and terrifying world of fungal infections.We spend a lot of time talking about antibiotic resistance, but lately...
Season 3
Episode 10
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene & Superbugs
This episode first aired on March 25, 2020. We are re-airing it during our summer hiatus. We hope you enjoy listening. In this episode, co-host, Dr. Lance B. Price interviews longtime friend, colleague, and microbiologist, Jay Graham, who is an...
What Turned Aunt Navis Blue? A Discussion on Tuberculosis
This episode first aired in January 2021. We are taking the summer off as we search for a new podcast co-host. We’re re-airing some of our most listened to episodes. Enjoy! Consumption, the Captain of all these Men of Death, the ...
Season 3
Episode 8