Superbugs Unplugged
A joint project of Antibiotic Resistance Action Center, Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University and the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, this monthly podcast will delve into the critical health threat of antibiotic resistance and what drives it, including antibiotic use in agriculture and human health care, challenges and opportunities in R&D, and more. Co-hosts Dr. Lance Price and Dr. Jau Graham will cover a new topic and feature an expert guest every month. Have questions or want to make suggestions? Write to us at SuperBugsUnplugged@gmail.com. Follow us on social media: @battlesuperbugs @UCBerkeleySPH.
Superbugs Unplugged
Antibiotic Overuse in Food Animals: What's the Role & Responsibility of Drug Companies?
In this episode, Maria Lettini, executive director of FAIRR, talks about their latest report: Feeding Resistance: Antimicrobial Stewardship in the Animal Health Industry. It's the first report to assess the animal health industry through the lens of antibiotic resistance and highlights the role that the sector can play in tackling the growing risk of resistance. Co-host Matt Wellington and Maria Lettini also discuss how this investor network raises awareness of the environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities brought about by industrial farming.