Superbugs Unplugged


Lance Price and Matthew Wellington Season 3 Episode 3
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00:00 | 43:01

In our January episode of Superbugs Unplugged, co-hosts Matt Wellington and Louis Sokolow chat with Dr. Reshma Ramachandran, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine and Director of the Yale Collaboration for Regulatory Rigor, Integrity, and Transparency (CRRIT). First, we hear about Dr. Ramanchandran’s work with CRRIT to ensure that FDA-approved medical products are sufficiently safe and accessible. Next, we do a deep dive into the PASTEUR Act, a piece of legislation that would incentivize antibiotic development through government contracts with companies that receive FDA approval for a new antibiotic. Dr. Ramachandran provides her perspective and walks us through the flaws she sees in the bill, and we wrap up with a discussion of alternatives to PASTEUR. Tune in here to listen to the conversation!